December 3, 2013

the dog ate my homework

Lately I've felt like blogging is my homework. My homework that I'm failing. I get sweaty and panicky on a Tuesday night when I realize I have no post or idea ready for a Wednesday post. I go into a state of denial. The deep, dark kind of denial where I assure myself I'll figure something out. Then it's 10 pm and I'm crawling into bed (Grandma Weiss over here). Then it's 7 am and I'm getting ready to go teach for the day and there's no way I can type one out before I leave. I've heard parents aren't too fond of their child's ballet teacher pausing class to write a blog post, but maybe that's just some old wives tale. 

This has happened every night for over a week. I pulled a big time Scarlett O'Hara and told myself, there's always tomorra' (add that Southern drawl when you read that there sentence). But unlike Scarlett I'm not a lazy, procrastinating Southern belle who's wasting her life and needs a wake up call. Sorry, Scar, Rhett sho' did show you. 

I'm a blogger who needs to realize that blogging is not my homework and I will not fail anything for not posting. What was that--like a triple negative?! Triple high fives over here from the grammar police. So maybe I am like Miss O'Hara in the sense that I need a wake up call

Don't you l-o-v-e bloggers who spend almost 3 paragraphs explaining why we suck and justifying it? I sure do...n't. 

In order to turn this frown (-y face blog post) upside down, let's end on a happy note of me sharing some life lately schtuff pictures. 

Life lately has been like this...

A whole lotta family.
Forget Thanksgiving food comas. I'm in a T-giving family coma and I love every second of it. Come back already, fam-a-dam. 

I think I'm going to have to do an entire post dedicated to the Thanksgiving photo booth success. Hold on to yer britches.

Oodles and oodles of crafting. Just call me Crafts McGee. Or Emily. You can just call me Emily.
I have enough leftover burlap from the wedding to get married 3 more times. At least. But instead of going through that hassle I decided I'll just make a ton of holiday burlap banners. Win.

B-e-a-utiful beach sunsets. And scenery. Just beautiful everything all around.

All thing Christmas. I love Christmas. Emphasis on the Love. It. part. Who doesn't? I turn into a 5 year old Santa believin', cookie baking, present wrapping, elf ear wearing (not) hooligan for the month of December.

And all this stuff, this has what's been keeping me from blogging. And I'm a-okay with that. Thanks, life, you are being really cool right now. 


Helene in Between said...

well it looks like life has been just grand! and don't feel bad about not blogging- EVER. it's your blog, you're the only one who needs to worry about it. and if others do... they need a life.

Ashley said...

Sometimes I feel like blogging is homework as well...and that's when I step back and take a big ol' break! :)

Love your 2 banners!

Kayla MKOY said...

I kind of, sort of (okay really do) love when life gets in the way of blogging. It's just a HOBBY...and who cares if we go days without doing it?! It should always be FUN! :)

Love the crafting, I'm dying for that "believe" banner ;)